About Broken Hill

The information on this page relates to the July 2002 event - it is kept online here for historical / reference purposes only.

Some general information about Broken Hill

Those that have never been to Broken Hill before may want a little bit of background information to help plan their trips. Basically it's a fairly major town, with all the regular stuff most city folks would expect: Pubs; Supermarkets; Fast Food Outlets; Pubs; Hotels; Motels; Pubs; and so on. So don't worry about having to stock up too much for your trip, or carry too much gear.

Please be aware though that the drive to and from Broken Hill can be a little less hospitable. The roads can be dangerous, especially at night when there is wildlife about. You would be well advised to not be driving too far outside of town in the dark of night - there is an increased chance of striking some of the wildlife, and other people around to help you out could be few and far between. Also, none of the service stations on the highway operate 24 hours, so you won't be able to stop for petrol if you're driving overnight. The best plan for most people that are driving would be to cover as much distance on Thursday during the day, stop overnight, and then make it to Broken Hill on Friday morning.

Apart from paying special attention to these travel details, you should find everything else is very straight forward. If you have any further queries, you may wish to discuss them with other travellers through the discussion forum, and failing that, trying contacting the event organisers.